Today I would like to bring to your attention a company that has rallied +24% today on record breaking volume levels. Moreover, this company has delivered breaking news today that could be the reason for potential further movement upward as the momentum builds and more investors continue focusing their attention on this company. The company reported a new acquisition, today!
My Newest Trade Alert Is:
Todays Alternative Energy Corp. (TAEC)
PPS: .0155 Cents
Company Website:
About TAEC
TAEC as a public company has spent ten years developing microbe remediation solutions and services that can digest “brown” grease safely and without “downstream” congealing in the sewer lines.
TAEC operates 2 divisions:
1) Cleaning Division
2) Biodiesel Division
TAEC has plans to add a third division, Solar Energy.
TAEC has created several “menu specific” proprietary formulations that eliminate organic waste and odors at food service facilities.
Because of the grease-removing properties of TAEC‘s microbes, a dozen municipalities now employ TAEC products to bio-remediate their lift stations and pipe infrastructures and over thirty larger institutions (including prisons) have installed patent –pending grease traps (known as bio-extractors).
TAEC‘s Bio-Diesel division laboratory trials have been completed to convert liquid brown trap grease (LBTG) into B100 bio-diesel fuel, using a combination of patent pending bio-extractors, proprietary pre-screening methods and trade secret remediation formulations.
TAEC laboratory trials have included additives that address the problems of cold starts and jelling, improved performance and lowered emissions of noxious nitrous oxide emissions.
Industry Projections
Current domestic U.S. consumption of over 11 BLN gallons of fuel per annum and domestic production of about 1 BLN gallons – puts government mandates into perspective.
TAEC is involved in the development and delivery and sales of organic waste remediation products used by over 750 clients, including:
· fast food restaurants
· colleges
· hotels
· cafeterias
· mess halls
· municipalities
TAEC is designing a mid-sized standard plant to produce 1.5 – 5.00 MLN gallons of B100 bio-diesel per year depending on the areas availability of the areas brown grease supplies. The company’s estimates show there are between 50 – 60 SMSA areas in the United States, which can support its facilities.
U.S. production of biodiesel was 75 MLN gallons in October 2012. Biodiesel production from the Midwest region (Petroleum Administration for Defense District 2) was 73% of the U.S. total.
Production came from 107 biodiesel plants with operable capacity of 2.1 BLN gallons per year.
Biodiesel production during January-October 2012 was 855 MLN gallons, which was up from production of 753 MLN gallons during the first 10 months of 2011.

The agency has discussed but not finalized a 1.28-BLN-gallon target for 2013. This provides enormous growth potential to TAEC.
Bullish Technical Indicators
According to the most recent information on, TAEC has less than 29 million shares outstanding, which could potentially provide investors with further upward volatility.
TAEC exploded today, skyrocketing +100% on more than 28 million shares traded.
TAEC is currently trading at a market valuation of 0.0155, which in our opinion is significantly undervalued.
Breaking News
January 9th: Today’s Alternative Energy Shoots for the Stars
NEWARK NJ–(Marketwire – Jan 9, 2013) – Today’s Alternative Energy ( OTCQB : TAEC ) announced today it has signed a letter of intent to acquire Star Mechanical, an energy efficiency and HVAC company based in New Jersey. TAEC believes that the addition of Star, which will be a cash and stock deal, will help broaden their offerings, expand their product lines, while keeping with their mission of Alternative Green Energy Exportation and Products.
With the addition of Star Mechanical, TAEC will also benefit with the joining of John Fullam, CEO of Star, who will bring his thirty plus years of industry experience by joining TAEC’s senior management team with a three year contract.
«This is a tremendous opportunity for TAEC as we enter into this critical phase of growth,» says Albertus Hendrik Van Leiden, CEO of Today’s Alternative Energy. Mr. Van Leiden further added that «We are very excited and look forward to the smooth and effective transitioning of Star Mechanical into the folds of the ever growing TAEC family and what it means to us as a ‘Green Company.»
TAEC needs to be at the top of your watch list because I absolutely DO NOT want any of my readers to miss out on this next big winner.
Remember to trade smart and always use due diligence.