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Black Magic with Regular Expressions  If you have some introductory knowledge about regular expressions, but are keen to learn what else is possible, watch this webinar to learn more sophisticated usages. You’ll be exposed to all sorts of fun stuff possible with PCRE: Named Subpattern, Greediness, Assertions, Unicode, Defines and more. |
Internationalization in ZF2  Building internationalized web applications is the key for global success! Watch this webinar to get an in-depth view into the new translation process. Also, understand how the Intl extension enables you to write more portable internationalized code. |
ZendDb Usage in Architecting Models  ZendDb’s new architecture gives you more separation of concerns and modularity in your usage of ZendDb’s components. In this webinar, Ralph Schindler guides you while you look at ZendDb’s role as a persistence layer when growing your own models in your application. |
Custom Routing in Zend Framework 2  While routing in Zend Framework 2 can be very simple to use and configure, what if your application needs a more complex route that does more than match a particular URL? Read this post to learn more about creating a custom route. |
What’s new in Zend Framework 2  We’ve been discussing ZF2 at length — here is another good overview of the new features and the changes that have been introduced. |
Check out our new Webinars |
WEBINAR: Zend Server UI – A ZF2 Case Study With the upcoming Zend Server releases, Zend is completely redesigning the UI for its flagship product, Zend Server. In this session we will take a look at how we built out the new UI using Zend Framework 2 and examine some of the things we learned. |
WEBINAR: The PHP 5.4 Features You Will Actually Use The PHP 5.4 release brought with it the usual excellent selection of entries in the changelog – but which of those will you be using in your real applications this year? This talk looks at a selection of the additions that have arrived with PHP 5.4, examining each one in turn and showing examples of using it. |
WEBINAR: ZF2 for ZF1 Developers Zend Framework 2 is here, and already it’s up to version 2.0.3 (at time of writing)! But where do you start? Even the most seasoned of Zend Framework 1 veterans can struggle trying to comprehend the sweeping changes between Zend Framework 1 and Zend Framework 2. Attend this webinar and get help making the transition! |
WEBINAR: Let’s Talk: Efficient Communication for PHP and Android Understand how to build a bandwidth-efficient PHP-based REST web service to be consumed by a native Android application (plus some general mobile development concepts). This talk will focus on handling data serialization and compression in both the PHP server and Android client environments. |
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PHP Benelux 2013 January 25-26, 2013 – Antwerp – Belgium The PHPBenelux team has proudly announced the 4th edition of the PHPBenelux Conference. Like last year, the conference will last two full days, starting with a half day tutorial followed by 1.5 days of conference. Matthew Weier O’Phinney, ZF project leader, will present a session on RESTful services with ZF2 with Rob Allen. |
PHP UK Conference 2013 February 22-23, 2013 – The Brewery, London, UK PHP London are pleased to announce their 8th Annual PHP UK conference. It will be two days crammed with great talks and amazing socials. Zend Framework core team member Enrico Zimuel will be one of the fantastic speakers. On February 23, 2013, 11:45am, he will talk about MVC Events and Module: the new architecture of ZF2. Don’t miss this session! |
Scandinavian Developer Conference 2013 March 04, 2013 – Göteborg Convention Centre (Svenska Mässan), Gothenburg, Sweden SDC2013 is about bringing together people who work with software development, to discuss new ideas, views on industry trends, and exchange experiences. Zend’s solution consultant Mike Pavlak will be there with several sessions around PHP on IBM i. |
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